
Monday, 3 December 2018

Social Responsibility Level

What level was I last week?
On Friday I believe that I showed a social responsibility level of 3 because I portrayed all aspects of level 2 and displayed minimal respect towards all of my peers.

Because I portrayed all aspects of level 2 and displayed minimal respect towards all of my peers.

How can I be a higher level?
By helping others, helping to clean up and respecting everyone.

Friday, 23 November 2018

What is Social Responsibility?

What is Social Responsibility?
Social Responsibility is attitudes and values made into levels to help students succeed and show respect in Physical Education and Health. Teachers teach Social Responsibility in hopes of helping their students to show a high level of Social Resposibility everywhere they go and not only in specific learning areas.

What level did you display? How?
I think that I showed level 3 most of the time by helping others and participating in all activities.

How can you improve for the next lesson?
I can improve by helping to clean and pack up after every practical lesson.

Wednesday, 21 November 2018

White Ribbon

What is the White Ribbon?

In today's assembly we had some year 11's talk to us about the white ribbon march which takes place on Friday 23rd of November. The white ribbon is a symbol that represents a movement which stands against family violence. If you see family violence happening in front of you, speak up and do something about it.

Image result for white ribbon

Tuesday, 13 November 2018

Maze Game and Flappy Bird Codes

In our Digitech class we created presentations on games we completed. The names of the games that we played were Flappy Bird and Maze Game. We had to finish off the codes using blocks which made the character do what we wanted it to. Eg. Move Forward, Turn Right. From this exercise I learnt how to code the games by adding blocks.

Friday, 9 November 2018

What it means to be successful

What does it mean to be successful?

To me, being successful means to be where you want to be in life and doing the job that you dreamt of doing as a kid. Every kid has a dream job and their main goal is to get that job, even if it's not a well paying job, they are still successful for achieving their goals. Another meaning of successful is completing all your work to a high standard and getting prizes at the end of year prizegiving.

Thursday, 8 November 2018

What Do You Value Most As A Student?

What do you value most as a student?

One thing I value a lot as a student is my learning. For example, in my spare time I like to check if my classwork is up to date and completed in the time given from the teachers. Another thing I value is my peers. Making sure that my peers are doing their work has been something I have valued for a while now, but the only thing that actually stops me from doing this is when they don't listen to me, or even the teacher. That's 2 of many things that I value as a student.

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Manaiakalani Film Festival 2018

Yesterday, the Year 9s and 10s attended the annual Manaiakalani Film Festival for 2018 held at Hoyts Movies in Sylvia Park. We watched different films from many different schools such as, Glen Taylor School, Tamaki Primary School, our own school (Tamaki College) and many more. I think our whole school really enjoyed all of these unique films and we would watch them again at any given time.

Image result for manaiakalani

Tuesday, 6 November 2018

Food Technology - Mince Pasta

Today in food technology we made mince pasta. Some people couldn't finish their food but the pasta still recieved some good comments.

Here is the method we used to make out mince pasta:

Step 1 - Boil pasta with 2 cups of cold water until it's soft.

Step 2 - Drain using colander.

Step 3 - Fry the mince with onion.

Step 4 - When it's cooked add sauce

Step 5 - Combine with pasta sauce and top it with cheese. Fry 180 degrees C 15 mins

Making mince pasta was a very fun experience and I hope that everyone in this class is now able to go home and make this for their family.

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Food Technology - Chocolate Cake

Today in food technology myself and my class baked a chocolate cake. Although some of them came out burnt it was still an awesome experience baking these cakes for the first time.

When our cakes came out of the oven we brought out the whipped cream and the chocolate sauce and decorated our cakes with them.

We all enjoyed making these cakes and they tasted very nice too.


Tuesday, 23 October 2018

Food Technology - Nachos

Today for Food Technology we made nachos.
Here is the method we used to make it.

Step 1. Dice the onion and fry until soft, then add the mince and fry until it's cooked.
Step 2. Add bake beans, sauce and cheese then boil for 4 minutes.
Step 3. Serve on top of the corn chips and enjoy.

Making the nachos was a good experience and I think that myself along with the rest of my class really enjoyed eating and making these nachos.


Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Current Events - Kauri Dieback

Image result for kauri

Kauri Dieback is a disease caused by the Phytophtora agathidicida which affects the native New Zealand tree, Kauri.

In Warkworth they are trying to prevent kauri dieback from reaching into their kauri park and killing their kauri trees by building a new boardwalk and new cleaning stations but they are still concerned about the disease reaching their park.

I think that they are doing the right thing by trying to prevent the disease from reaching their park because it is a community kauri park and if the kauri trees are diagnosed with this disease and they are dead then that would defeat the whole purpose of the park.

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Food Technology - Chocolate Muffins #2

Today for Food Technology we baked some chocolate muffins for the second time as an attempt to improve our baking skills and perfect our chocolate muffin recipe.
Here is the recipe:

Self rising flour

Step 1: put 2 cups of self rising flour, 1 cup of sugar, 1/4 cup of cocoa, 1/2 cup of oil and 1 cup of milk and 1 egg into a bowl and mix together.
Step 2: scoop the mixture and put it in the muffin tray
Step 3: bake at 180°C
Step 4: Take out of the oven when ready and place muffins onto a cooling tray and eat when the muffins are cooled down.

Tuesday, 18 September 2018

Food Technlogy- Ham Burger

Today in Food Technology we made Ham Burgers. It was really nice and we all enjoyed both making it and eating it, here is the recipe we used.

Herb and Salt

Step 1: Dice 1/2 onion
Mix with mince. herb and salt and make into two patties and fry until cooked.

Step 2: Put the bun in the oven and leave it in for 15 mins at 180 degrees.

Step 3: Slice the tomato and dice the lettuce.

Step 4: Put your burger together in the following order from bottom to top:
Bun, lettuce, tomato, mayo, ham, cheese, patty then the bun on the top.

Monday, 10 September 2018

Something I learnt from Tongan Language Week.

Last week was Tongan Language Week and the theme was "Fakakoloa 'o Aotearoa 'aki 'a e 'ofa fonua" which means "Enrich Aotearoa with the love of duty and service to country, community and people"
Here's what I learnt from Tongan Language Week.
I learnt that hymns and singing are a big part of the Tongan language. I also learnt that they have cultural dances such as the Tau'olunga.

Image result for tongan flag

What I learnt from Freedom Writers

Image result for freedom writersAfter watching Freedom Writers I have learnt that tolerance and heroism can change a whole group of people. I also learnt that one person is able to change a whole group of people with positivity. Another thing that I learnt is that there are lots of people in America that grow up with bad backgrounds.Image result for freedom writers

Thursday, 6 September 2018

Why we need Laws.

Why do we need laws and rules.
Every social group has rules so their group can be a successful one. But laws are for the country and
this is why we need them.
We need laws because they help protect us and keep the world as peaceful as possible. Our laws are created by the parliament but the courts and judges decide how they should be interpreted. If the government runs on a democratic system, the authority goes to the representatives in the parliament to make our laws. If someone was to break laws they would suffer consequences, and the consequence would be depending on how the laws are interpreted. If there were no laws then our country would be very violent and people would do whatever they want.

Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Food Tech - Tuna Pasta

Today in Food Technology we made Tuna Pasta. It was really delicious and we all enjoyed both making it and eating it. Here is how we made it and the ingredients we needed to make the tuna pasta:

1 Tomato
1 Onion


Step 1: Cook the pasta in boiling water.
Step 2: Once the pasta is ready, add the corn into the pot, while waiting, slice the onion and the tomato and put them into a bowl.
Step 3: Put the pasta and the corn into a bowl with the onions and tomatoes and add the tuna and mayo.
Step 4: Mix them all together and serve in a bowl.


Freedom Writers

Freedom Writers

Tolerance - Willingness to recognise and respect the beliefs or practices of others.

An example of when the students showed tolerance of each other was when the were eager to learn when Ms Gruwell taught them. When the student drew a picture of another student, mocking his lips - Ms Gruwell spoke to them about the Holocaust and told them that they are nothing compared to the Nazis. Another example is when the student told the class he was being evicted and that he felt like his English class was his home. The whole class showed love and compassion towards him and made sure he felt alright.

I think tolerance of other races is important because if we tolerate each other we can all get along and the world will be nice and peaceful. I also think it is important because everyone deserves to be treated the same as everyone is equal no matter how different they are.

Wednesday, 29 August 2018

Current Events - Australian Deportation Policy

Image result for winston petersImage result for Andrew little

The Australia Policy that Justice Minister Andrew Little and Deputy PM Winston Peters are concerned about is the policy about deportation. The policy is to remove some New Zealanders from Australia, sometimes without trial or charge. I think that they should not do that and only deport New Zealanders with trial or charge. I think the Trans Tasman relations will be affected because it would make the New Zealanders not want to go there in case they get deported. I think that right now the Trans Tasman relations are already good because the new Prime Minister seems to be getting along with New Zealand’s highest government members.

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Food Tech - Chocolate Muffins

Today we baked chocolate muffins, here is the recipe we used:

Step 1 - 1 1/2 cup of Self Raising Flour, 1/2 cup of sugar, 1 egg, 1/4 cup of cocoa, 1/2 cup of milk, 1/2 cup of oil. chocolate chips
Step 2 - Combine all and scoop into muffin tin, Bake 180 degrees Celsius - 20 mins.

We all enjoyed baking chocolate muffins and we also enjoyed eating it.

Tuesday, 21 August 2018

Why Businesses Are Good For Me And My Community

A business is an organization that produces goods such as chips, juice, plates, junk food and a whole
lot more, or services such as health services or haircuts. Businesses allow people to buy their stuff so
the business's profit. So to summarise that, a business is an organization that produces stuff for people
to buy so the organization can gain more money.

Businesses are good for me and my community because it allows us to buy goods that we need.
Sometimes, businesses in the community sell things for a lot cheaper than businesses outside the
local community, such as drinks, food, bread and more.

Another reason why businesses are good for me and my community is because it provides part time
jobs for students and full time jobs for adults. Having the job allows the adults to have enough money to
pay for their bills and also everything else they need.

Monday, 20 August 2018

Cybersmart Blog


What it means to be cybersmart and why it is important?

Being cybersmart means being on the right thing at the right time and not giving out personal
information on the internet. It is important because a lot of things could go wrong.
For example, you click on something you’re not supposed to click, you could end up with a
virus on your device or an inappropriate pop up.

Two things you learnt about being cybersmart and how you could apply it to your own life

I learnt that if someone is cyberbullying you and you are planning on telling someone such as the principal at your school then you should have some type of evidence ready. For example, screenshots. I could apply this to my life by collecting evidence when I am getting cyberbullied.  
I learnt to only go on websites I am allowed to go on. I could apply this to my life by staying on task at school and not going on inappropriate websites at home.

Describe one of each:

A personal strategy a young person can do to help themselves if they are being cyberbullied
If I was being cyberbullied I would collect evidence and tell someone about it, such as the councillor.

A interpersonal strategy a young person can do to help their friend who is being cyberbullied
I could talk to my friend and tell them not to worry about it. Another thing I could also do is talk to the
bully and try to understand why they do these sort of things.

A personal strategy a young person who finds themselves bullying other young people can do to help build their self-esteem and change their behavior
They could talk to someone like a social worker and tell them their problems so the social worker
can help them to become a better person.

Tips to give to the year 6s about how they could become cybersmart

One tip I would give the Year 6’s is always stay on task during class time because a lot of people at their age like to muck around and play games during class time. Another tip I would give is being on the right thing at the right time. It’s similar to the first one but instead of just during class time, this important rule should apply both at school and at home.

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

Food Tech - French Toast

Today in Food Technology we made some french toast, here is the recipe we used:

Step 1 - Whisk 4 eggs with 1/2 cup of milk.
Step 2 - Tip in the bread and fry until golden-brown.
Step 3 - Put it on the plate, take a photo and eat.

We all enjoyed making the french toast and also eating it.
Here is the photo my buddy and I took of our final product.

Monday, 13 August 2018

Plastic Bag Ban

Today I read an article on the Government's decision to ban plastic bags.
I agree with the government's decision to ban plastic bags because it could prevent a lot of bad things from happening to the country for example, death upon animals, global warming and more.
The impact this will have on the country is it will give the country a decreased chance of pollution or global warming. The decision to ban plastic bags is smart because it helps make New Zealand safer and cleaner.
Image result for jacinda ardern

Image result for labour party

Monday, 2 July 2018

Migration Model

The migration model is used to show the push and pulls of why people would migrate. It shows reasons why people leave their country of origin and reasons why they would move to a new place of destination. It also shows why they might not migrate which is known as the intervening obstacles. One of the push reasons why people would want to migrate to
another country of destination is because they can get better education. One of the pull reasons why they wouldn’t want to migrate is they miss their family. In the case of my migration model, the
two different countries that it talks about is Tokelau and NZ. Tokelau being the Country of Origin and
NZ being the Country of Destination.